Diploma student, graduate student, postdoctoral researcher
Dr. Thomas Schwager
Bruker AXS, Berlin
Diploma student, graduate student, postdoctoral researcher
Bruker AXS, Berlin
Physical Review E 84, 041306
AIP Conference Proceedings 1145, 859-862
The European Physical Journal E, 27, 107-114
Physical Review E, 77, 011304
Physical Review E, 78, 051304
Physical Review Letters 100, 218002
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 12, 827-870
Granular Matter 10, 21-27
Granular Matter 9, 465-469
Modelling and numerics of kinetic dissipative systems (Pareschi, L. and Russo, G. and Toscani, G.), Nova Science, Hauppauge NY
The most striking phenomenon in the dynamics of granular gases is the formation of clusters and other structures. We investigate a gas of dissipatively colliding particles with a velocity dependent coefficient of restitution where cluster formation occurs as a transient phenomenon. Although for small impact velocity the particles collide elastically, surprisingly the temperature converges to zero.
Behavior of Granular Media (Walzel, P.; Grochowski, R.; Kruelle, C.; and Linz, S. J.), 151 - 159. Aachen: Shaker.
Powders & Grains 2005: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media (Garcia-Rojo, R., Herrmann, H. J., McNamara, S.) 2, 505-509. Taylor & Francis.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17, S2705–S2713
Physical Review E 69, 059905
Physical Review Letters 93, 134301
Physical Review E 69, 021302
International Journal of Modern Physics C 13, 1263-1272
System Dynamics and Long-Term Behaviour of Railway Vehicles, Track and Subgrade (Popp, K., and Schiehlen, W.), 451-470. Berlin: Springer.
Physica A 325, 274-283
Physical Review E 64, 011308
Powders and Grains 2001: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Sendai, 21-25 May 2001 (Kishino, Y.), 439-442. Rotterdam: Balkema.
European Physical Journal E 4, 233-239
Mechanics for a New Millennium - Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, held in Chicago, USA, 27 August - 2 September 2000 (Aref, H. and Philips, J.W.). Dortrecht: Kluwer.
Physical Review E 62, 1361-1367
European Physical Journal B 10, 169-174
Physical Review E 60, 4465-4472
Physical Review E 57, 650-654
Physical Review Letters 80, 5708
Physical Review E, 57, 650-654
We investigate the cooling rate of a gas of inelastically interacting particles. When we assume velocity-dependent coefficients of restitution the material cools down slower than with constant restitution. This behavior might have a large influence to clustering and structure formation processes.
Physics of Dry Granular Media: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Cargese, France, September 15-26, 1997 (H. J. Herrmann and J.-P. Hovi and S. Luding) 350, 625-631. Dortrecht: Kluwer.
Friction, Arching and Contact Dynamics (Wolf, D. E. and Grassberger, P.), 293-299, World Scientific, Singapore
In a recent paper an implicit equation for contacting viscoelastic spheres was derived [1]. Integrating this equation it can be shown that the coefficient of normal restitution ε depends on the impact velocity g as 1- ε ∼ g^⅕
Dynamik, Evolution, Strukturen: Nichtlineare Dynamik und Statistik komplexer Strukturen (Freund, J.), 237-246. Berlin: Köster.
Dynamik, Evolution, Strukturen: Nichtlineare Dynamik und Statistik komplexer Strukturen (Freund, J.) 237-246, Köster, Berlin
Das dissipative Verhalten granularer Gase ist wegen seiner ungewöhnlichen Eigenschaften von großem wissenschaftlichen Interesse. Goldhirsch and Zanetti [1] und McNamara und Young [2] zeigten, dass ein homogen initialisiertes granulares Gas im Laufe der Zeit instabil ist – nach einiger Zeit der Abkühlung durch dissipative Stöße bilden sich räumliche Dichteinhomogenitäten und schließlich Cluster.