
Packings of micron-sized spherical particles - insights from bulk density determination, X-ray microtomography and discrete element simulations

Advanced Powder Technology 31, 2293-2304



Ping-pong ball cannon: Why do barrel and balls fly in the same directions?

American Journal of Physics 87, 255-263



Barchan dunes on Pluto?

EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 14010



Origin of Granular Capillarity Revealed by Particle-Based Simulations

Physical Review Letters 118, 218001



Particle-based simulations of powder coating in additive manufacturing suggest increase in powder bed roughness with coating speed

EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 15013



Homogenization of granular pipe flow by means of helical inner-wall texture

EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 03069



Vertical motion of particles in vibration-induced granular capillarity

EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 16008



Granular dampers: does particle shape matter?

New Journal of Physics 18, 073049



Effect of vibrations applied to the transport roller in the quality of the powder bed during additive manufacturing

6th International Conference on Additive Technologies. iCAT 2016 (I. Drstvenšek, D. Drummer, M. Schmidt). Interesansa - zavod. Ljubljana.



Particle-based simulation of powder application in additive manufacturing

Powder Technology 288, 96-102



Two-dimensional airflow modeling underpredicts the wind velocity over dunes

Scientific Reports 5, 16572



Helical inner-wall texture prevents jamming in granular pipe flows

Soft Matter 11, 4295-4305



Numerical study of the packing density of fine powders by means of the Discrete Element Method

85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics – GAMM 2014, March 10-14



Attractive particle interaction forces and packing density of fine glass powders

Scientific Reports 4, 6227



Rectilinear Dune

Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms. Springer. New York, NY.



Drop Dune

Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms. Springer. New York, NY.



Dome Dune

Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms. Springer. New York, NY.



Origins of barchan dune asymmetry: insights from numerical simulations

Aeolian Research 12, 121-133



Analytical model for flux saturation in sediment transport

Physical Review E 89, 052213



Morphodynamic modeling of aeolian dunes: Review and future plans

EPJ Special Topics 223, 2269-2283



Using LIGGGHTS for performing DEM simulations of particles of complex shapes with the multisphere method

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, pp. 217 - 222



DEM simulation of particles of complex shapes using the multisphere method: Application for additive manufacturing

AIP Conference Proceedings 1542, 185-188



Numerical modeling of the wind flow over a transverse dune

Scientific Reports 3, 2858



Flux saturation length of sediment transport

Physical Review Letters 111, 218002



Numerische Simulation pulver- und strahlbasierter additiver Fertigungsprozesse

Industriekolloqium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 814 – Additive Fertigung (Drummer, D.; Ed.), 117 – 130



Dune migration in the north polar region of Mars

Third International Planetary Dunes Workshop, 7007



The physics of wind-blown sand and dust

Reports on Progress in Physics 75, 106901
