09131 85-20868
Gunkelmann, Dipl.-Phys. Nina
Stochastic Nature of Particle Collisions and its Impact on Granular Material Properties
Particles in Contact pp 565-590
Can we obtain the coefficient of restitution from the sound of a bouncing ball?
Physical Review E 93, 032901
Hydrodynamics of binary mixtures of granular gases with stochastic coefficient of restitution
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 781, 595-621
Shock waves in polycrystalline iron: Plasticity and phase transitions
Physical Review B 89, 140102(R)
Interplay of plasticity and phase transformation in shock wave propagation in nanocrystalline iron
New Jounal of Physics 16, 093032
Coefficient of Restitution of Aspherical Particles
Physical Review E 90, 052204
Molecular-dynamics study of the α ↔ γ phase transition in Fe–C
Computational Materials Science 82, 399–404
Stochastic behavior of the coefficient of normal restitution
Physical Review E 89, 022205
Temperature of a granular gas with regard to the stochastic nature of particle interactions
New Journal of Physics 15, 093030